Wednesday, October 10, 2007

One Month with Lana!

Lily and Lana
(AKA The Giggle Sisters)

We have been home just over 2 weeks and things are going pretty well! Lana (6) and Lily (3) are now known as the "giggle sisters"! They play really well and Lily is learning to share her toys and share MaMa
and BaBa. Lana warmed up to BaBa first and still seems to prefer BaBa over MaMa, most of the time. That has actually worked our to Lily's advantage, since she prefers MaMa most of the time!

Lana is settling in and is showing a stubborn side! If she does not want to move, you have no choice but to pick up her solid 40 pound frame and move her yourself! I guess the honeymoon is over!

Lana can
count to 10 (in English), knows the ABCs and is learning some of the songs we like to sing! She likes to practice writing ABCs and asks "what's that?" about 100 times a day! For example, at dinner time she will ask "what's that?" about each item on the table, and we will name the things she points at, and then she will repeat the words we say. She is very eager to learn and we will start her in kindergarten soon.

Lana's Heart

When we first looked at Lana's file back in December 2006, we were informed that she had a heart condition. This did not change our minds about adopting her, we wanted her, heart defect or not. We had a cardiologist look at her file back in January and were told that her condition was correctable and that she would have a "normal" life, and a normal life span.

Lana's condition causes her to get out of breath and her nails and lips get a little blue. If she is playing hard, she knows when to sit down and catch her breath, and then she will join back in and play.

Lana had her first cardiologist appointment at
Seattle Children's Hospital last week. She did really well
through the EKG and Echo and then they scheduled her for a heart catheteritization. The cath was on Monday and they were able to get a clear picture of her heart (this is the procedure where they send a camera through an artery into the heart to take pictures). The next step is for the cardiology team at Children's to look at her case and plan her surgery. They would like to do the open heart surgery sooner than later, maybe even next month!

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we work through Lana's surgery. We had hoped surgery could wait awhile until Lana learned more English and we could better communicate with her through the difficult recovery from open heart surgery. Thank you all for your continued prayers and support for our Forever Family.